Network of Women in Events (NOWIE) takes PAY very seriously.


Reviewed: March 2023

Unpaid / “volunteer” roles

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations has extensive free to access detail on when it is legal and appropriate for positions to be voluntary. You can find this information here: 

We ask that any unpaid roles explicitly explain why they are unpaid. This explanation should demonstrate that the roles:

  • Are not essential to the event running

  • Are significantly different to any paid roles at the event

You should also include detail around what the volunteer will receive in return for their time. 

For example: a team of unpaid artist liaisons with broadly the same responsibilities as paid counterparts (even if the paid individuals are more experienced) is not okay. In contrast, shadowing a sound engineer where you stand at FOH and watch them push faders is a valid unpaid opportunity. However if you are then asked to help push boxes alongside local crew who are being paid, that ceases to be alright. 


The government clearly lays out the only times when internships can be unpaid here: 

Any roles not meeting these criteria should be paid at least at the appropriate National Minimum Wage / National Living Wage. 

Paid roles

Current National Minimum Wage / National Living Wage rates are available here: 

Employers should note that from 1 April 2023 the National Living Wage for those 23 and over is increasing from £9.50 to £10.42 / hr.

Any roles advertised here should meet the relevant National Minimum Wage / National Living Wage rate as a minimum however our preference would be that rates reflect the following. In contrast to the above information, the below do not constitute legal requirements however are based on what we believe represent a fair base level for the roles indicated. 

Little / no experience roles - £12.50/hr+ / £125/day+

Roles that require no experience or qualifications. Clear supervision and no solo responsibilities. 

Entry level roles - £15/hr+ / £150/day+

Roles that require some work experience with demonstrable transferable skills. Clear supervision with some basic independent responsibilities. 

Junior roles - £20hr+ / £200/day+

Roles that require some events work experience and / or relevant qualifications. More hands-off supervision with reasonable independent responsibilities. 

Mid roles - £27.50/hr+ / £275/day+

Roles that require a good level of events work experience and / or relevant qualifications. Working with clear instruction on responsibilities and may have some supervision of entry level roles and below.

Senior roles - £40hr+ / £400day+

Roles that require extensive experience. There may be more senior positions but roles should be capable of working independently and supervising a team. 

Please send any questions to